Thermal Imaging

Uncover hidden issues and defects with our state-of-the-art thermal imaging technology.


Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging has proven to be an invaluable tool in the inspection industry. As Certified Residential Thermographers, we understand the importance of pairing proper training with quality equipment. This is the only way to provide a thorough scan of your home and produce a quality report with our inspection software. Identifying thermal anomalies in your home may reveal: Moisture accumulation in evaluated areas; Thermal differences in walls and ceilings to detect insulation that is missing or performing inadequately; Abnormal heating in connections and electrical components (over current protection devices or "breakers"); Inadequate weather stripping at exterior doors, failing window seals, and loose duct work connections. Having a full-home thermal scan added to your inspection can uncover hidden and costly damage that would otherwise go undetected. Whether you're a buyer or seller, this data is critical to have in a real-estate transaction. This enables you to prioritize repairs and manage those many moving parts without the time crunch. We offer a full-home thermal scan for an additional fee of $100.00 and our services can be scheduled along with your home inspection.